Information on article submission
Manuscripts should be 6-15 pages (in A4 format) in length, including the list of references (employing 1,0 line spacing and Times New Roman 12 point with 1cm/100mm margins).
Vector drawings (only black-and-white, without halftones) in AI, CDR, WMF, EMF formats and bitmapped line drawings in TIFF, JPG formats (a minimum of 300 dpi is required) must be submitted in separate files. The same concerns MS Excel, MS Visio, etc. charts, which must be supplied together with the source file(s), containing the data.
Essential title page information
Please write the following in English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these) or, if possible, in Russian (use the template below).
1. Author names and affiliations.
Please clearly indicate the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author and check that all names are accurately spelled. Present the authors’ affiliations with the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name and the authors’ positions and academic rank. Ensure that the full postal address, email address and telephone number of each author are given.
2. Title.
Titles should be concise and informative.
3. Abstract.
Provide a concise and factual abstract of 150-200 words (1500-2000 characters including spaces). The abstract should state briefly the subject matter, research topic, purpose and objectives of the research, methods/methodology, result(s), possible applications of results, discussion and conclusions.
4. Keywords.
Provide a maximum of 7 keywords.
Reference formatting
Citations in the text should be placed in square brackets: [Петров 2014: 25-26], [Baugh, Cable 2005: 59]. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). The reference list should be given after the text of the article. References should be arranged according to GOST 7.0.5.-2008.
A standard template for preparing your article and the list of references and citations is available below for your convenience.
Please do not
- Include complex tables;
- Number pages.
File name:e.g. Ivanov PS, Jones A.
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. prior to February 1. Any questions may be sent to Julia Bogoyavlenskaya, Editor-in-Chief. Submissions not meeting the deadline will not be considered and will not be accepted for publication.
Information regarding the editorial board’s decision to accept a paper for publication will be sent to the author’s (authors’) email address(es) after the refereeing process is completed and the paper is accepted for publication.
Publication of an article in the journal is free.