Philological Class

Editorial principles of the journal «Philological class»

Publication Policy

The goal of Philological Class is to ensure high level scientific research in the field of linguistics and literature studies; to facilitate the impact of academic research upon the methods of teaching philological disciplines in higher and secondary school. Widening geographical contacts with scientific-methodological centers in Russia and abroad is an important constituent of the policy of the journal.

Philological Class publishes papers in three groups of scientific specialties: literature studies, linguistics and pedagogy.

Journal Tasks:

1) to take into account the degree of novelty and originality of research in selecting articles for publication, to acknowledge priority of the materials associated with the discovery of new areas in the study and teaching of philological disciplines;

2) to provide space for scientific discussion raising the quality of research and effective application of experimental scientific activity;

3) to facilitate scholarly dialogue between philologists and practical pedagogues; to reflect new variants of interaction between school and science, which would allow improving educational conceptions;

4) to promote innovative scientific-methodological ideas, original methods and educational technologies.

Journal Publication Frequency

Four issues of the journal are published yearly (in March, June, October and December).

Open Access Policy

A full-text version of the journal is available open access at and at the scientific electronic library platform (RSCI).

Publication Ethics Code of the Editors of the Scientific-Methodological Journal Philological Class


Information about the Journal

The scientific-methodological journal Philological Class has been published since 1996. FSBEO HE «Ural State Pedagogical University» is the founder and the publisher of the journal. The journal is a periodical (it comes out 4 times per year).

The journal Philological Class

The journal is registered by the Russian Federal Surveillance Service for Compliance with the Legislation in Mass Media and Cultural Heritage Protection. Registration certificate ПИ № ФС 77-53411 of 29.03.2013.

Registered by the International Standart Serial Numbering system; serial number ISSN 2071-2405.

Included in the united catalog «Russian Press», Index 84587.

Included in the database European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS), id 486932

Included in the database Web of Science Core Collections Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

Included in the «List of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the major results of research of candidate and doctoral dissertations should be published” of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation since 2017.

The journal materials are regularly placed at the Russian Science Citation Index platform (RSCI)

General Provisions

The present Publication Ethics Code is based on the existing international ethics norms and standards including the provisions recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (, adopted by the Editorial Council and established by the Owner / Publisher of policies and practices, as well as by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The present Publication Ethics Code is valid from June 6, 2018 because it can guarantee high quality of publications in the journal and the realization of the goals and tasks proclaimed in it.

1.  General Obligations and Responsibility of the Editors

1.1. The editors are responsible for all publications in the scientific-methodological journal Philological Class.

1.2. The editors do their best to guarantee high quality of the material published.

1.3. The editors stand for the opportunity to exchange opinions in a free manner.

1.4. The editors support honesty in publication activity.

1.5. The editors adhere to scientific and ethical standards that cannot be changed in favor of commercial interests.

1.6. The editors have the right to publish any kind of disclaimer if it is important for the journal activity.

2. Interaction with Authors

2.1. The position of the Editorial Board to the question of accepting the article for publication or rejecting it is based on the scientific value of the article and its correspondence to the topics of the journal.

2.2. The editors cannot cancel the decision about the article publication with the exception of cases connected with disclosure of scientific unreliability of the facts related in the article, plagiarism or rewriting practices.

2.3. The editors can publish their own articles in the journal; the article in this case goes through the regular procedure of review.

2.4. The editors keep in touch with the author(s) about their articles within the time limits agreed before.

2.5. The editors should respond to concrete questions of the authors about the review procedure on time. Confidential information should not be made public.

2.6. The description of the submission process, including the standards and requirements, is published on the official site of the journal. The editors should keep the said description at the appropriate level.

3. Interaction with Reviewers

3.1. The editors are to take measures aimed at protection of anonymity and confidentiality of the materials reviewed during the review process.

3.2. The editors analyze review outcomes and make sure that new reviewers are recruited on an ongoing basis so that the team of experts should represent the scientific community as a whole. If a reviewer keeps issuing negative or low quality reviews and misses review deadlines, the editor has the right to dispense with their services and inform the Editorial Council about this fact.

4. Interaction with Members of the Editorial Council

4.1. The editors keep each other informed about the current issues associated with the activity of the journal.

4.2. The Editorial Council discuss the issues of the journal development and keeping its quality at the appropriate level at least twice a year with the members present in person or by correspondence.

5. Interaction with the Journal Owner and Publisher

5.1. The Ural State Pedagogical University (hereinafter: University) is the owner and publisher of the journal.

5.2. The relationships between the Editorial Board and the University should be based on the principles of editorial independence.

5.3. The editors should take decisions about publishing articles solely on the basis of the principle of scientific and scientific-methodological significance of the materials presented and its correspondence to the topics of the journal, without any pressure on the part of the University. The University position cannot be considered as a basis of interference in the functions or sphere of responsibility of the editors and the Editorial Council, both on behalf of the University as a whole, or of separate structures and divisions within the University.

6. Quality Guarantees

6.1.  The editors should take pains to guarantee high quality of the material published. The basic requirements to the quality, along with the goals and policies of the journal, should be clearly formulated and available to a broad range of those interested on the site of the journal.

6.2. Mistakes, errors or awkward phrases should be corrected decisively, openly and on time.

6.3.  The official site of the journal offers a list of the obligatory elements which should be present at the time of submission of the manuscript to the journal. The editors should check up the presence of all these elements in the materials submitted by the authors. In view of the high quality of publication, the absence of the obligatory elements may be considered a good argument in favor of rejecting the article. The reviewers have the right to refuse from reviewing uncompleted material.

7. Personal Information Protection

7.1. The editors should abide by the Russian Federation legislation regulating the issues of confidentiality, and specifically the Federal Law № 152-FZ «On Personal Data» of July 27, 2006 and the Federal Law № 149-FZ «On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information» of July 27, 2006 with all subsequent amendments to these acts. And even regardless of these acts, the editors should always protect confidentiality of the personal information obtained in the course of scientific or professional interactions. In case of need, the editors are entitled to request written consent testifying to the knowledge about publication and agreement from the persons who are mentioned in the article or might be recognized by other people via publication (for example, from reports about accidents or in pictures).

8. Intellectual Property

8.1. The issues of intellectual property are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the corresponding international norms and agreements. The editors should deal the questions of intellectual property with due attention and cooperate with the Legal Department of the University in order to avoid violating any law or convention regulating the rights to intellectual property.

9. Stimulating Discussion

9.1. As long as the journal Philological Class focuses on the relations between academic science and practical higher and secondary school education, the editors should stimulate discussions aimed at the formation of conceptions which would make a foundation for the development of a uniform system of philological education, and should encourage and publish articles of a critical nature.

9.2. The author(s) of criticized materials should be given a chance to express their opinion on the pages of the journal.

10. Commercial Issues

10.1. The journal Philological Class is a non-profit venture. It is financed by the University. Therefore, any commercial, marketing or advertising issues are excluded from the journal activity. Nevertheless, both the editors and the University are obliged to take the corresponding measures with the purpose of promoting the journal in the scientific community and expanding the scope of circulation of the published materials via inclusion of the journal in the global databases.

11. Interest Conflicts

11.1. The editors should have a system of management of the conflicts of interests, both their own and those of the staff, authors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Council. Each action associated with material submission, review and acceptance / rejection should be primarily checked if there is any conflict of interests. Any unsettled conflict of interests should be regarded by a special committee consisting of 2 representatives of the Editorial Council not associated with the conflicting parties and 3 independent persons not connected with the journal.

11.2. The journal should have a description of the submission process of the articles presented by the editors, assistants or members of the Editorial Council in order to demonstrate the unbiased character of review.

12. Relations with the Readers

12.1.  The readers should be informed about the sources of research funding.

12.2. Information about the areas of activity, the Editorial Board members and plans is published on the official site of the journal. The editors should provide the necessary information in time.


The changes made in the present Publication Ethics Code are considered in force after their endorsement by the Editorial Council. The journal does not inform the readers about changes in the Ethics Code. All changes are to be found by the authors independently on the official site of the journal.