Philological Class
Article formatting requirements
1. The authored original of the manuscript is submitted in both electronic and printed formats. Materials for publication should be sent by e-mail. All papers have to be written in Word 6.0/7.0 (.doc or .rtf formats), font Times New Roman, font size 14, line spacing 1.5, paragraph indentation 0.7 (selected in the menu). If you use a non-standard font, please, attach a file with the font to your email, and attach a PDF copy of the article. Language material used for illustration should be italicized. Single quotation marks (‘’) are used to specify lexical meaning, angle quotes («») are used to mark quotations, English double quotation marks (“”) single out a quote inside a quotation, and semantic emphasis can be expressed by spacing.
2. Research papers are to be minimum 20,000 and maximum 40,000 characters with spaces; extra pages may be granted by the Editorial Board. Reviews, chronicles and short reports should not exceed the limit of 20,000 characters. Pages should not be numbered.
3. The main body of the text should be well structured and contain the following sections: Introduction, Research Methods, Research Aim, Discussion and Findings, Conclusions. Thus, the author(s) should provide a brief overview of the previous studies on the topic of the article, formulate research methods and analytical techniques explicitly, present their own research supplementing it with the necessary illustrations, and formulate the conclusions.
4. Footnotes should be given at the bottom of the page with continuous numbering.
5. References to the literature should be placed after the text (in alphabetical order). References in the body of the text and footnotes are given in square brackets according to the model: [Name or title, year: page]. Sample:
Необычность ситуации, садовые аллеи, о которых писал Д. С. Лихачев, что их сумеречность – основная черта русского сада, из которой «рождаются и жизнь, и животность, и Бог» [Лихачев 1998: 419–421].
6. Additional Bibliography should come after the main body of the text in alphabetical order without numbering in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008 ( under the heading «Literature».
7. Reference List should be academically complete and contain at least 15 real sources. Russian sources should be transliterated via automatic Cyrillic converter at: , variant BGN (Board of Geographic Names).
8. Capitalizing and underlining in the body of the text are not recommended.
9. In addition to the main body of the text, the following information should be provided in Russian and English:
1) Information about the author(s): Full family name, first name and patronymic; scientific degree, rank and appointment; affiliation to organization; department.
2) Contact information (e-mail, postal address for shipping and publication in the journal).
3) Title of the article.
4) Abstract (it should summarize the content of the article in min 250 words and should include the following aspects: scope and object, topic, aim, methods or methodology, findings, sphere of outcome application, conclusions). No abstract is needed for a review.
5) Keywords (5-10 words).
Manuscripts can be submitted via the journal site or emailed directly to Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
On all issues, please, contact the Academic Secretary of the journal, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Ol'ga Aleksandrovna Skripova Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.