Russian version

Pedagogical education

Article formatting requirements

The article must contain the following elements:
1. Statement of the problem and justification of the relevance of its solution at the present time.
2. Формулировка цели исследования, вытекающей из поставленной проблемы.
3. Analysis of recent research and publications (including international ones) on the problem under consideration and highlighting the unsolved problems of the problem under consideration.
4. Methodology and research methods, where not only the main methods should be indicated, but also contain a brief description of the research progress, which allows to present the researcher's work on obtaining empirical and theoretical data used in the article.
5. The presentation of the main research material, including: the idea (research hypothesis), which differs by novelty from the solutions proposed by other researchers; a logical, reasoned and understandable statement of facts, experimental results, algorithms, reasoning, etc., underlying the proof of the validity of the proposed idea / hypothesis.
6. The findings of the study, containing a comparison of the results obtained with the purpose indicated at the beginning of the work, and further prospects for the development of research in this direction.
Comparison of the obtained results with the goal indicated at the beginning of the work. Conclusions, generalizations and recommendations arising from the work, the main directions for further research in this area.
The abstract should fully reflect the main content of the article and have the following structure:
- The problem of research (usually in the form of a question).
- The purpose of the described study.
- Methodology and research methods.
- Main results.
- Scientific novelty of the results.
- Practical and theoretical significance of the results.
- Substantive conclusions.
Articles that do not correspond to the problems of the journal (Pedagogy, Psychology) and do not have the results of an independent study of the authors are rejected by the editors without the possibility of their improvement.
Articles that do not have the proposed structure are allowed to be published as an exception, if they were written on the instructions of the editorial board and contain significant merits, separately noted by reviewers.
All papers have to be written in DOC/DOCX format using Microsoft Office Word for Windows meeting the following requirements:
  • papers have to be minimum 8 and maximum 12 pages long (about 20,000 characters with spaces);
  • page size – A-4;
  • font - Times New Roman (if rare fonts are used the author is requested to attach the font file);
  • font size - 14 pt;
  • line spacing - 1,5.
References to the literature are given in the body of the text in round brackets. For example: «Text of quotation...» [5, с. 56—57].
References should contain at least 15 sources. Sources are arranged in the alphabetical order of the authors, first of Russian-language publications, then foreign, and issued in accordance with GOST 7.0.5.-2008. References can be issued in the program (select the option "From the dash")
After the main bibliography there is a list with transliterated Russian sources; for automatic transliteration, it is recommended to use the program on the site (you can process the entire list at once, option BGN Board of Geographic Names)
Separate files should be created for pictures (black-and-white, no halftones): in vector formats - AI, CDR, WMF, EMF; in raster formats - TIFF, JPG with the resolution not less than 300 dpi in true size; for diagrams from the programs MS Excel, MS Visio and so on. They are to be submitted together with the original file, containing the data. If a picture in a raster format contains text data (a scheme from MS Word is converted into TIFF or JPG file) an additional file in MS Word should be attached to make it possible to edit the text included into the picture.
To be published the article should meet the requirements of the Russian Science Citation Index (РИНЦ), that is in addition to the basic text it should contain the following information in Russian and English.
Information about the authors (if there are several authors, all authors are indicated):
Last name, first name, patronymic name;
Academic degree, title, position;
Full and accurate place of work;
Contact information (e-mail, mailing address for distribution and for publication in the journal with an index).
Article title.
Abstract (200-250 words)
Keywords (5-7 words).
Last name, first name, patronymic in English (the full name is better to write in English in the transcription in which they are written in other articles).
The title of the article in English.
Abstract in English.
Keywords in English.
The classification code of the thematic heading: GSNTI (you can look at the code on and VAK code (HAC code in the “Nomenclature of scientific specialties” section on
Estimated magazine heading.