Russian version

Ural Journal of Philology

Publisher: FGBOU VO Ural State Pedagogical University

Ural Journal of Philology is an electronic journal issued five times a year and its ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is 2306-7462.

 The journal was established in 2012, unifying several independent editions of scientific papers. Each of the five sections of the journal keeps its original name and its numbering reflects the previous history of the relevant edition of scientific publications.

The journal unifies the following 5 editions:
-        Psycholinguistics in Education
-        German Studies
-        Russian Classic: the Dynamics of Artistic Systems
-        Russian literature of 20 and 21 Centuries: Directions and Streams
-        Draft: Young Science

Each section is issued once a year. The journal is accessible at NEB

All articles submitted to the editorial board "Ural Journal of Philology", are subject to mandatory scientific review.

Ural Journal of Philology is intended for publishing new and conceptually relevant materials on current problems in philology.

The authors of the articles are doctors and candidates of science and scholars from Russia and abroad. Section Draft: Young Science publishes papers of beginning literary scientists such as master´s degree graduates, PhD. students or young PhD. researchers.

The section is intended for scholars of philology, teachers and students.

Editorial board members are doctors in philology from Russia and abroad.


Article submission
The articles are to be sent to the address of the corresponding section of Ural Journal of Philology. All articles undergo the process of peer-review. Term of consideration of the articles does not exceed 1 month. Author of the article is sent by email the review report of one or more reviewers (editorial board). The final decision on the publication is made by the chief editor of the corresponding section.

Assessment criteria: relevance of the topic and the research problem, corresponding to the current science, the adequacy of the methodology and conceptual apparatus, correctness of references to the works of other scholars, the significance of the findings for modern philology, logic of construction articles, and strict respecting the abovementioned instructions.

The article must not exceed 20 thousand characters with spaces, size 14, spacing 1. References are given in square brackets, e.g.: [Bakhtin 1979: 45], a list of sources is placed at the end of the article in alphabetical order.

The abstract is a brief content of the article, and its desired volume is 150-200 words. The article also contains keywords (5-6 words).

Author´s name, article title, abstract and keywords must be given in English translation. The author is responsible for having it translated into high quality English. The article with poor translation will not be accepted.

620017 Yekaterinburg, prospekt Kosmonavtov, 26.
Ural State Pedagogical University
The Institute of Philology, Culture and International Communication
Web: Scientific Journals of Ural State Pedagogical University: