Philological Class
Philological Class
Philological Class is a peer reviewed scientific-methodological journal publishing research outcomes in literary studies, linguistics and methods of teaching philological disciplines in higher and secondary school, reviews of scientific-methodological events, monographs and teaching aids.
The goal of Philological Class is to facilitate the impact of academic research results upon higher and secondary education, and their implementation in practical teaching, which would ensure the formation of the uniform system of humanitarian education.
Four issues of the journal are published yearly (in March, June, October and December). Articles in Russian, German and French are accepted for publication in the journal. All articles should be accompanied by extended abstracts, keywords and information about the author(s) in Russian and English.
A full-text version of the journal is available open access at
The main 2018-2019 research areas of Philological Class presuppose an interdisciplinary approach embracing various aspects of literary studies, linguistics and methods of teaching the said disciplines in higher and secondary school.
Acknowledging the authors’ right to wide interpretation of the suggested topics, Philological Class strives at creation of scientifically convincing, argumentative dialogue between representatives of various methodological approaches on the basis of an academic style of position presentation. Priority is granted to articles undertaking complex analysis, employing comparative research practices distinguished by innovative approaches to teaching language and literature at various levels of education, and facilitating a traffic in ideas.
Major Specialties: 10.00.00 — Philology (10.01.01; 10.01.03; 10.01.08; 10.02.01; 10.02.19; 10.02.20)
13.00.00 — Pedagogical Sciences (13.00.02)
Publishing Institution: Ural State Pedagogical University
Postal Address: 620117, Ekaterinburg, Cosmonauts Ave, 26, Department of Literature and Methods of its Teaching (Room 279), Russia
Phone: (343) 235-76-66; (343) 235-76-41
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Editor-in-Chief: Nina Petrovna Khriashcheva, Ph.D., Prof.
Philological Class was founded in 1996 by the outstanding Russian scholar in literary studies, Professor Naum Lazarevich Leyderman. The scholar gave a double interpretation to the name of the journal: to be a certain “class”, or school of professionals and for professionals, and a concrete form of implementation of new educational conceptions; he was also the first to suggest the main sections of the journal.
The main sections of the journal:
Projects. Programs. Hypotheses. This section publishes research articles in theory and concepts of education; authored programs of teaching philological disciplines in higher and secondary school; materials containing promising scientific and scientific-methodological hypotheses called upon to create the journal field of argument. The section is divided into two sub-sections: the first one publishes papers in literary studies and, correspondingly, teaching literature in higher and secondary school; the second one carries articles on the issues of linguistics and teaching linguistic disciplines.
Problems of Modern Linguistics. The section publishes articles on urgent issues of modern linguistics, and specifically: theory and history of the language, psycholinguistics and linguocognitology, and communicative studies and corpus linguistics. Special focus is given to conceptual works presenting the results of fundamental research developing the theory and methodology of urgent areas in linguistics.
Trajectories of the Literary Process of the 20th – early 21st Centuries. The published materials explore the Russian and foreign classics of the 20th century offering new interpretations and analysis of “landmark” and contemporary works of literature. The papers dedicated to the specificity of existence of modernism and postmodernism in world literature are welcome.
Theory and Methods of Teaching Philological Disciplines in Higher and Secondary School. The section presupposes exploration of the main problem areas of modern methods of teaching language and literature, and functions as a forum for discussion with relation to controversial issues of teaching philological subjects in higher and secondary school.
Theory and Practice of the Modern Lesson. The section publishes materials containing the study of the secondary school learning process with emphasis on the lesson as its unit. The submitted materials should not only present the notes of the lesson (a technological chart) but also provide its extended scientific-methodological substantiation connected with the pivotal questions of organization and conduct of the lesson of literature and language.
Rereading Russian and Foreign Classics. The section focuses on new interpretations of works of classics undertaken on the basis of modern analytical strategies and new approaches to well-known texts in the context of perceptive esthetics.
Russianin Multicultural Interaction. The section presents scientific papers dealing with the issues of the study of the Russian language in comparison with other world languages and with the problems of multicultural communication. Attention is also paid to the works focusing on the study of the socio-cultural status of the Russian language in intercultural space and to enhancing the impact of the Russian language abroad.
Methodological Heritage. The section publishes articles demonstrating the heuristical potential of the works of outstanding Russian philologists and pedagogues of the past (19th-20th centuries) in connection with the modern challenges, and the relevance of their scientific findings and methodological ideas today.
Slow Reading. The aim of the given section is to publish literary text research based on the modern theoretical ideas and original methods of analysis. Such analyses demonstrating top quality skills of text interpretation may serve as benchmarks of philological proficiency, and may be used in practical teaching at school.
From the Writing Table of a Scholar / a Young Scholar. The section covers research materials distinguished by the novelty of methodological approaches and hypothetical orientation, and representing urgent areas of linguistics and literary studies.
Regional Component of Higher and Secondary Education. Articles on the specificity of the spiritual culture of the Urals and other regions, the wealth of artistic traditions, the specificity of language processes development and concrete pedagogical techniques used in higher and secondary school to study regional culture are included in this section.
Reviews. The section carries analytical reviews of conferences and scientific and scientific-methodological research works.
Registered by The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications Information, Technology and Mass Media and Cultural Heritage Protection. Registration certificate ПИ № ФС 7753411 of 29.03.2013.
Registered by the ISSN Center and provided the International Standard Serial Number ISSN print 2071-2405; ISSN Online 2658-5235.
Included in the Rospechat Catalogue, Index 84587.
The materials published in the journal are regularly uploaded at the platform of the Russian Science Citation Index (РИНЦ)
The Journal is included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities