Special education
Article formatting requirements
All papers have to be written in DOC/DOCX format using Microsoft Office Word for Windows meeting the following requirements:
- papers have to be 10-12 pages long; font - Times New Roman; font size - 14 pt; line spacing - 1,5; margins – 2 cm; italics and bold type are acceptable.
- the following information should be given before the text of the article:
а) УДК; UDC code
b) Title of the article (capital letters in Russian and English).
c) full family name, first name and patronymic of the author (in Russian and English);
d) Abstract (150-200 words), key words with translation into English;
i) Information about the author: full family name, first name and patronymic; scientific degree, rank and appointment; affiliation to organization; postal code and address of organization; e-mail; contact telephones; home address (in Russian and English).
The list of literature is given at the end of the article. All items in the list shall be numbered in order to be able to link them with the text. References to the literature are given in the body of the text in square brackets. They contain the number of the source in the list of literature and in case of citation – the corresponding page.
3. Sample List of Literature
A book of one author |
Иванов, И. И. Название книги / И. И. Иванов. — М. : Наука, 2004. Внимание! Пробел до и после знака «двоеточие» |
A book of 2-3 authors |
Иванов, И. И. Название книги / И. И. Иванов, П. П. Петров, С. С. Сидоров. — М. : Наука, 2004. |
Dissertation |
Иванов, И. И. Название : дис. … д-ра пед. наук : 07.00.02 : защищена 22.01.04 : утв. 15.07.04 / Иванов Иван Иванович. — Екатеринбург, 2004. Иванов, И. И. Название : дис. … канд. ист. наук : 07.00.02 : защищена 22.01.04 : утв. 15.07.04 / Иванов Иван Иванович. — Екатеринбург, 2004. |
An article in a collection |
Иванов, И. И. Название статьи / И. И. Иванов, А. А. Петров // Название сборника / Урал. гос. пед. ун-т. — Екатеринбург, 2004. |
An article in a journal |
Иванов, И. И. Название статьи / И. И. Иванов // Наука и жизнь. — 2004. — № 1. |
Electronic resource |
Иванов, И. И. Компьютерная графика [Электронный ресурс] : рабочая программа : для студентов-заочников / И. И. Иванов ; Урал. гос. пед. ун-т. — Электрон. дан. и прогр. — Екатеринбург, 2006. — 1 дискета. — Систем. требования : IBM PC, Windows 95, Word 6.0. |
Российская государственная библиотека [Электронный ресурс] / ред. И. И. Иванов ; Web-мастер Н. Козлова. — Электрон. дан. — М. : РГБ, 2003 — . — Режим доступа : http//www.rsl.ru. |
4. Separate files should be created for pictures (black-and-white, no halftones): in vector formats - AI, CDR, WMF, EMF; in raster formats - TIFF, JPG with the resolution not less than 300 dpi in true size; for diagrams from the programs MS Excel, MS Visio and so on. They are to be submitted together with the original file, containing the data.
5. A positive review of a PhD or candidate of sciences should be attached to every article.
- The article should reflect:
- Title of the article
- Author or authors
- Correspondence to the topics of the journal;
- Assessment of novelty and possibility of practical application of the materials
- Critical remarks on the contents and formatting;
- Recommendations about the publication, the need of adjustment or rejection of the manuscript with due reasons.
- The review should be signed by the expert; the signature is verified in accordance with current requirements.
6. On its part, the editorial board appoints reviewers from among the members of the board. The leading scientific experts in the field of special education may be also invited to act as reviewers. If the article is accepted pending revisions it is forwarded to the author together with a copy of the review. Definite time is indicated for the article to be returned to the editorial board for the final decision about its publication to be taken.
7. Publication for post-graduate students is free of charge. The post-graduate student should provide the scanned copy of the certificate from the post-graduate department.