Special education
Special education
Special Education
The scientific methodological journal Special Education is addressed to specialists working with disabled persons, to higher school teachers, students, post-graduate students and all those who take interest in the problems of study and education of persons with disabilities.
Topics of the Journal:
The problems of history and methodology of special pedagogy and special psychology
New approaches to the study and education of persons with disabilities in conditions of inclusion
Professional training of defectologists
International co-operation in the sphere of education of persons with disabilities.
Fields of Research:
13.00.00 Pedagogy (13.00.01; 13.00.03)
ISSN (Online) 2587-909X
Publishing Institution: Ural State Pedagogical University, Institute of Special Education
Postal Address: 620017, Ekaterinburg, Cosmonauts Ave, 26, Room 134, Russia
Telephone: 8(343) 336-14-38
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Editor-in-Chief: Filatova Irina Aleksandrovna